
where to start

The accepted and normal place to start a story is at the beginning, gradually work my way through the middle, and then we all find ourselves at the end. But I'm not keen on reaching the end yet.

Truthfully, we are currently at the latter end of the middle. I'd love for it not to be, but there have been chapters where it was very much nearer the end than would be ideal already, so I'm actually quite pleased to find myself there. The beginning did have some bright spots, the sort that might have even given you hope that the middle would develop into being a thrilling spectacular of some sort, but ultimately it never really got going.

I'm not quite at the having grandchildren stage yet - and I don't think I'm really looking forward to that imminently either yet. With one young adult child on the way to university this coming September, and the other just starting her first house-share adventure with friends in a city far away from us, it's hopefully a few years away yet. Anyway, in my day grandparents were old, grey, and smelled a bit off, and I'm... ah.

Like it or not then, I'm at my latter part of the middle. Bits of me are gradually wearing out and failing, the world in general is in interesting times - it probably always has been, but now we're all 'connected' and know about it - so there's bound to be something happening that's worth a few words.

I'll probably just get on with writing something about anything when I feel like it, and people can either bother to read it or not, which I think is a fair deal.

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