
I am decisive

This is how I work.

I want to make a change to something I use, particularly computer software or work systems based. Recently it was blogging platforms. Normally there is something annoying me more now than it was when I first started using it. When I first started using it, it was perfect. Then I noticed small usability problems, but I could work around them. At worst I could easily ignore them. Any small problems I had with it were almost insignificant... but they were like that tiny bit of gravel that's got inside your shoe... it has become much more painful as you went on trying to ignore it. Sure, at first you might have shaken your foot and the tiny bit of gravel went somewhere else in the bottom of your shoe that was hardly noticeable for a while, but I have decided I'm going to change it now. Take the shoe off and shake that annoying little bastard out, once and for all. Definite.

  1. Something about the way this works is annoying me. I am going to look at other options.

  2. I research all the options that I will have ahead of me if I go ahead and make that change. This might take a few days. Or weeks.

  3. I carefully consider which of the options are better than the solution I currently use, easily discard some that aren't quite there, and try to narrow it down to a single option. This might take a few more days. Or weeks.

  4. I look again at my current solution, which I am still using and is particularly annoying me again today, and try to weigh up what I'll lose versus what I'll gain with the chosen best option if I change. Sorry, when I change. I start preparing a parallel process on the best new option to get ready for a 'live' change. This takes a week. Or two.

  5. I haven't changed yet. I am not indecisive, I am diligent, I tell myself. I'm running two parallel systems now. Preparing for the change. Sometime soon. It has been weeks. Possibly months.

  6. I haven't made the change. I've pretty much postponed it for now. Or, as we used to say 'put it on the back burner'. Which means 'postponed it for now'. Months pass.

  7. I wake up suddenly one morning with a thought. I want to make that software change I had investigated making some time ago. I'll look at it again.

  8. I see a new thing, which I've just come across as I enjoyed my morning coffee ten minutes ago. I immediately ditch the two different systems I was using and complete the wholesale move to this new third option before lunch.

    I am decisive.

Some readers, who have unaccountably read things I have written before and are STILL reading things I wrote, may recognise the above post as being very similar to something they seen before. This is nonsense, it is completely original, but I HAVE used some of the words in a similar order before in a different post on another blog.

If you liked the post, click the toast! (I guess just close it and quietly slink away if you didn't)

#fun #humour